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Why Us & Why Now?

Between the two of us, we've spent 35 years parenting 5 amazing, neurodiverse humans.  After a decade of friendship and countless conversations about the hilarity & the hard of our parenting journeys,  we decided it's high time we share our heartbreaking wins and life giving losses with all of you.  Not only that, we're proud to share our kids with you in each and every episode, always with their dignity at the tippy top of our minds.  There's no reason to go it alone friends, so here we are.  Grab a beverage and go hide in a closet nearest you.  

a black and white line drawing of a podcast microphone.

Our Friendship Story


We (Kristen and Gwen) met at a burger joint in Littleton, Colorado 10 years ago.  We were there for an Autism mom support group, which Kristen had single-handedly birthed years prior.  She was raising triplets, all diagnosed with Autism at various times in their childhoods, desperate for a community that could relate to her alien lifestyle.  This group grew and became a safe space for Autism moms to speak openly, drink their beverages, and eat all the fried everything without shame. 


Gwen, raising two kids through adoption and with various levels of neurodiversity, including Autism,  silently observed Kristen throughout the night, noting her openness and soft nature, and appreciating her well-placed sarcasm and snark.  She knew Kristen would become her person and she was correct. Kristen found in Gwen a safe place to find support and acceptance, and someone who entertains her endlessly. We quickly became part of each other's home team posse and have spent countless hours bonding over shared experiences and teaming up to advocate for our larger community. 


Four years ago, Gwen moved to Michigan, forcing our bantering from live to over Marco Polo. Because we would literally resort to playing dead in our respective lives without the banter. Recognizing and sitting in the impossibly hard truths as well as peeing our pants laughing over these same truths are what keep us upright. Thanks for visiting!  We couldn't be more pleased to welcome you.

Meet the "You Don't Want a Hug" Posse

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